proudly introducing…



in 2021, a great journey began that resulted in the conception of an organic model dedicated to the natural processes of individual and collective human evolution…

  • Grit X Gold is a mission-specific brand and aesthetic dedicated to the pursuit of prosperity through authenticity, artful living, and a sense of adventure – the freedom and play necessary to bring about meaningful personal transformation.

  • Grit X Gold Expeditions are exclusive group trips designed for the sharing of specialized knowledge and free-form artistic expression and personal alignment inherent in living authentically, hosted in different locations throughout the world. They are to be crewed by the curious, the daring, and the driven – people in search of the treasures hidden deep within the folds of every great adventure. These are unique individuals of all kinds, diverse outliers in the grand scale of humanity, united under the common cause of individual and collective enrichment, banded together for a week of creativity, enjoyment, and self-exploration.

  • To those who know him, Rex (@rjleniczek) is many things, but underneath the varied roles, he’s fundamentally an artist.

    A childhood of life on a farm, formal education in a several core sciences, a life of work in the media and entertainment industries, a passion for people and art, an agile mind, an eye for details, and a deep hunger for adventure… combined, you get a highly unorthodox individual wired to creatively solve problems and offer guidance to those that need it. This is Rex in a nutshell.

    Over the course of his life, Rex has directed the majority of his conscious energy in three directions – nurturing a wide range of skills, establishing a strong sense of self and artistic style, and exploring and detailing the great mysteries of life – and it is the resulting talent and expertise of these three that he wishes to enrich others with through this work.

  • One thing is certain: life cannot flourish in the confines of what most of us have come to consider “normal life”. None of us can afford to continue micromanaging and predetermining every little step out of fear, but neither can we allow ourselves to relax into lives filled with repeated consumption of the same old processed junk without expecting either to eventually kill us. There needs to be another way.

    Our solution is simple. We need to get out and break free from these limits. We need to dive deeper into the sea of life and nourish those aspects of ourselves that have yet to blossom, no matter how strange and unrealistic they may seem. And where else can you find the keys to rawness, realness, and rareness of life necessary for such individual evolution and expression than on the forefronts of expedition?

    So we forget the scripted plans and the copy-paste gimmicks, and instead invest in something truly worthwhile for both ourselves and the world. Enter Grit X Gold Expeditions.



For us, life is the intersection of the self, the world, and communion between the two. This holistic understanding is the foundation of our work and it is easy to see how it inspires the design of our Expeditions (see diagram).

Without these three elements, we cannot realize the perfected centre that we call “the fine art of living”. This is the space where magic truly occurs. It is the sense you are experiencing life as a great adventure, as if you are the main character of the most exciting story. And if our connection to one area is lacking, then we lose out on its transformative power and struggle to transcend the challenges life is constantly presenting us with.

By merging travel, creativity, and self-knowledge, we arrive at a potent trifecta capable of resolving any barrier to our individual and (consequently) collective evolution.

Thus, it is our mission to carve a new path forward in bringing people of all kinds into their own rightful self-alignment and empowerment. Without this, we cannot hope to see a future with a truly progressive, efficient, and well-integrated global society.


Every expedition promises these core elements, leaving the rest to the specific magic of each trip.

    • comfortable private group accommodations

    • paired or separate sleeping arrangements, depending on availability and individual preferences

    • locally-sourced groceries for daily communal meals

    • dinners out (alcohol not included)

    • options for local transport are available

    • flights not included

    • access to specialized knowledge and insights

    • applying modern systems founded on ancient teachings to better understand your unique design

    • self-expression exercises and reflections

    • one week of personalized content creation

    • post-processing

    • improvised explorations and activities to suit each group’s and individual’s interests


apply now to take advantage of our special start-up pricing


You can send us your inquiries or start a conversation below.